>About us
About us 2017-06-29T16:58:10+03:00

Ovumbank’s aim

Ovumbank aims to help the ever-increasing number of couples resorting to ova donation in order to have a child.

Egg donation

Egg donation is the only option for the conception, pregnancy and childbearing, when infertility is due to a failure of the ovaries to produce ova or when ovaries produce poor quality eggs.

Ovumbank’s ova bank

Ovumbank’s ova bank wants to contribute to the increased ovary demand by offering top-notch services either at its own clinic or at collaborating clinics wishing to have readily available high quality and thoroughly tested genetic material.

Collaboration with cryopreservation banks

We work with EU cryopreservation banks that are fully compliant with European legislation and implement Commission directive 2015/565 on the structure of the Single European Code (SEC) on human tissues and cells.